VAT Compliance
Multi-jurisdictional VAT compliance, including consulting services, registration and ongoing submission of VAT returns, Intrastats and EC Sales Lists.
Wondering if you need to register for VAT overseas?
With Meridian’s VAT compliance service, we identify in which countries your company needs to register for VAT and confirm those where you do not have any VAT issues. We handle all VAT registration work on your behalf where a registration is required and we manage all of your on-going VAT return filings in each of these jurisdictions.
FAQ - VAT Compliance
Some of the most frequently asked questions for our VAT Compliance team.
1. What is VAT?
It is charged as a percentage of the price, and is therefore visible. The purpose of VAT is to generate tax revenue for the government. The tax, whilst paid by the buyer through the purchase price, is collected and paid over to the government by the seller, and is therefore known as an indirect tax.
2. Who pays VAT?
3. How is VAT charged?
4. Explain VAT rates?
A zero-rate can also be applied by some jurisdictions to the supply of certain goods and services e.g. children’s footwear.
5. What is the difference between exemption and zero rating?
Where a supply is zero-rated, this is considered for VAT purposes, but a rate of 0% is applied to the supply. Related input VAT is deductible subject to the deductibility rule of the jurisdiction in question.
6. Who can claim back VAT?
7. Who needs to register for VAT?
8. What are the rules on 'place of supply'?
However, there are exceptions to the normal rules.
For B2B and B2C, some are as follows:
– Services relating to immovable property
– Provision of passenger transport
– Entrance to events, fairs, sporting events etc
– Provision of catering services on board a means of transport
– Short-term hire of vehicles
For B2C, there are further exceptions:
– Services of intermediaries.
– Intra-community transport of goods.
– Ancillary transport services.
– Supply of electronic services from outside the EU.
– Supply of electronic services from within the EU (from 1 January 2015).
– Services provided to non-EU customers by EU suppliers.
The above is subject to consideration of the effective use and enjoyment over-ride, which applies in some jurisdictions.
9. How long does it take to get a VAT number?
10. What are the ramifications of not having a VAT number?
But we are not just talking about financial penalties. The reality is that the authorities have the power to seize products not only at a first port of arrival in to the European Union but also after they have been imported and while they are in transit.
Not declaring VAT to the correct authorities can be interpreted as tax avoidance, and in some jurisdictions fraud or even a criminal offence.
11. Where can I find the forms to get set up?
12. What VAT services does Meridian provide?
- VAT registration
- VAT deregistration
- VAT returns and other forms required by individual jurisdictions.
- EC sales lists
- EC purchase lists
- Intrastats
- Beratung
Final words of advice for sellers
- Take your obligations seriously
- Do not ignore the issue
- Monitor your turnover closely
- Plan ahead and act quickly if you need to be registered elsewhere
- Understand the rules in each country and stay on top of any changes
- Know your limitations