Cyprus – Extension to the submission and payment deadlines for periodic VAT returns.

The Cypriot Tax authorities recently announced that they were introducing a new portal called “Tax for All”, which from the end of March 2023 will replace the current TAXISnet VAT system.

To allow taxpayers sufficient time to transition to the new portal the Cypriot tax authorities are extending the submission and payment deadlines for periodic VAT returns due in April and May 2023.

An extended submission and payment deadline will apply to the following periods:

01/12/2022 – 28/02/2023 – Submission and payment deadline extended from 10th April 2023 to 26th April 2023

01/01/2023 – 31/03/2023 – Submission and payment deadline extended from 10th May 2023 to 26th May 2023

The standard submission and payment deadline of the 10th day of the second month following the reporting period will apply for all other reporting periods.
